Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Five Ways to Pay Less for Car Insurance

Car insurance is a major expense for drivers, but a necessary one. An auto policy is an investment in legal and safe driving that protects the driver's financial well-being by covering the costs of an accident. Those who feel they are paying too much for car insurance should try these five strategies to lower their monthly policy premium cost.

Avoid Accidents 
A toy car driving over coins

It may sound obvious, but driving safely is the best way to keep auto insurance premiums down. The longer a driver goes without having a ticket, accident, or insurance claim, the lower his or her premium costs will be.

Get Quotes Before Buying a Car

Some cars are more expensive to insure than others. Before purchasing that new sports car or fully loaded SUV, get insurance quotes to make sure the full monthly cost to drive the vehicle is affordable. Cars with good safety records and pre-owned cars that have not been in an accident are often less expensive to insure.

Bundle Policies

Purchasing all necessary insurance from a single company can dramatically reduce your rates. When getting auto insurance quotes, look at the cost to combine the car insurance policy with homeowner's or renter's insurance for substantial discounts.

Increase Deductibles

The deductible is the amount the driver pays out-of-pocket in an accident before insurance coverage takes effect. The lower your deductible, the higher the monthly premium cost. Choosing a deductible of $1,000 or more provides the best monthly savings.

Review Insurance Needs

Drivers who have older cars may not need collision or comprehensive coverage. Check the value of the car each year before renewing the policy to avoid paying for unnecessary coverage that exceeds the vehicle's value.

This list of tips gives a great general overview, but it's just the starting point. Drivers in the Natick area can trust Connell & Curley Insurance Agency Inc. to work with them one-on-one, providing more specific insights tailored to their unique situation. Get in touch with us today to discuss your insurance needs with one of our experienced representatives.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Should I Get Renter’s Insurance?

In 2016, there were one million fewer homeowners in the United States than in 2006 according to a study conducted by the Rosen Consulting Group. Especially among those below 40, homeownership rates have dropped to historic lows. This can be attributed to a number of causes, but the end result is that more Americans are renting, and renting later into life, than in previous generations. And yet, while 97 percent of homeowners carry some form of homeowner's insurance, only 37 percent of renters have renter's insurance. There are many practical reasons to have renter's insurance, and here are three people might not know.

It Doesn't Just Protect Your Things 
A woman smiling in front of a building

Most people know that renter's insurance covers losses to personal property like furniture, electronics, jewelry, and other valuables in the rental unit. What many don't know is that most policies also provide liability coverage in the event that someone gets injured while in the rented property. In the event of an accident, renter's insurance can help tenants avoid the expense of a personal injury lawsuit.

Coverage Doesn't Stop at Your Door

A renter's insurance policy extends coverage to the policyholder's personal property, whether that property is in the home, at work, or elsewhere. An auto insurance policy might not cover theft of, say, a laptop from a vehicle. A renter's insurance policy would. One of the best benefits of renter's insurance is that it covers personal belongings from theft or damage even while traveling.

It Doesn't Have to Cost a Fortune

In fact, renter's insurance is surprisingly affordable. The national average for a renter's insurance policy is around $180 per year. The cost varies based on factors such as deductible amount, coverage limit, and location. In Massachusetts, policies are slightly higher than elsewhere in the country, with an average annual cost of $263. Still, in almost all cases people can purchase protection for less than one dollar a day.

Connell & Curley Insurance Agency Inc. has been providing peace of mind to the people of the Bay State for over 50 years. Our highly specialized staff can help you with everything from renter's insurance to health and life insurance. As an independent insurance agency, our business is built on a personal connection developed by going the extra mile for our customers. Fill out our online form or call (508) 655-1112 today to get a quote for your renter's insurance policy.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

David vs. Goliath: Should I Use a Small Insurance Agency or a Large National Brand?

When looking for an insurance agency, buyers have seemingly endless options to choose from. Whether shopping for home insurance, auto insurance, or any other type of policy, a quick internet search will likely turn up hundreds of insurance companies, ranging from major carriers like Geico and State Farm to smaller, local carriers like Connell & Curley Insurance Agency Inc. What’s the difference between a large national brand and independent agency, and which is the better option?

Differences Between Small and Large Insurance Agencies 
A business man shaking a person's hand

Many small, independent insurance agencies act as a middleman to help customers find the policy that works best for them. Whereas larger insurance companies only sell their own policies, agents at smaller companies help customers shop around to find the best rates from dozens of insurers. Agents work with the customer to learn about their budget and needs and then compile policies from numerous companies to help the customer choose the plan that works best for them. They can even help the customer shop around again if rates go up when it’s time to renew. This is particularly helpful because larger insurance agencies may only be able to adjust the rate of the policy by decreasing coverage, but an independent agent can find policies that already have lower rates without compromising coverage.

Are Smaller Insurance Agencies Reliable?

While customers certainly appreciate having so many options to choose from, they sometimes question the legitimacy of policies purchased from local companies. This is because the larger national brands, like Geico, Allstate, and State Farm, spend so much money on advertising that they’ve changed the way customers think about shopping for insurance. Their strategic marketing schemes have made customers believe that it should only take a few minutes to get a quote, and that by shopping with larger companies they can save more by using discounts invented by their company, like accident forgiveness. But the truth is that many smaller companies can give better rates without offering these made-up discounts, and because the State Department of Insurance monitors every operating insurer, they’re all just as reliable as the major players in the game.

To learn more about the benefits of working with an independent insurance agency, contact Connell & Curley Insurance Agency Inc. at (508) 655-1112, and we’ll show you firsthand how a small agency will work for you!