Thursday, April 9, 2020

Three Ways to Prepare Your Teen for the Road Test

For Massachusetts teens, 16 is an exciting age. For their parents, it comes with mixed feelings. If you're a parent, you probably find yourself looking forward to the convenience of your children providing their own transportation one day, but you may also feel concerned about their safety on the road. Here are a few ways to help your new driver make sure they have the knowledge and skills they need to be ready for the road test.

Talk to Your Teenager About Driving

Teenagers often look forward to the newfound independence that comes with a driver's license, but it's important that you talk to your son or daughter about your expectations. Emphasize that driving is a privilege, not a right, and establish clear rules, such as:
  • No devices while driving
  • Set driving hours/curfews
  • Limited number of passengers
  • Repercussions for dangerous driving
  • Paying for their own auto insurance

Practice With Them in Various Weather Conditions

Drivers education introduces your teen to different driving situations, but set practice times during specific semesters means that they likely won't have the opportunity to drive in the many types of weather they'll face on the road before they take their driving test. Be sure to practice with them in as many weather conditions as possible, including heavy rain and snow, to ensure real-world preparedness.

Encourage and Support Their Progress

Equally as important as promoting safety and house rules for driving is instilling self-assurance in your teen as they make progress. As enthusiastic as they may be, they may also feel nervous about their upcoming road test and the freedom that comes with a license. Encourage them when they struggle and make a point to praise their successes. This may help prevent anxiety on the road and lead to safe, confident driving.

If your teen is getting ready to hit the road, the experienced local agents at Connell & Curley Insurance Agency Inc. can help. Contact our Natick, MA office today for a competitive auto insurance quote.